
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Top 10 Foods that promote healthy hair growth.

There is a misconception that going natural alone will make your hair healthy. While it may be in overall better condition due to the absence of harsh chemicals there is no guarantee that it will stay healthy without proper nutrients. Your hair regime has a lot to do with its look and feel but there is very little you can do if your hair is weak before it leaves the scalp.
Some may see supplements as a means to grow healthy hair but nothing beats good old fashion food. Here are a list of foods that taste as good as they will make you feel:

No.10 Beans:

Whether it be Kidney beans or lentils, you should make an effort to include them in your meals. They provide you with protein, iron, zinc and biotin. So throw a few in your salad or grab some lentil soup on a cold day.

No. 9 Nuts: 

Next time you want a snack, pick up a bag of cashews or almonds. These are great sources of zinc,which you don't want to be deficient in because this can lead to hair shedding. Walnuts are also a great source of zinc and contain an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid that help condition your hair.

Brazil nuts provide a mean dose of selenium, a mineral that keeps your scalp healthy.

No. 8 Whole Grains:

You can find a lot more whole grain and whole wheat on the shelves these days so go nuts!or should i say go grains? Whole-wheat bread,whole-wheat pasta and whole-grain breakfast cereals to name a few, provide zinc, iron, and B vitamins.

No. 7 Carrots: 

No wonder bugs bunny was so clever and handsome,or maybe he was just drawn that way but carrots are an awesome source of vitamin A and play a big part in promoting good vision and a healthy scalp.

I recommend eating baby carrots as a midnight snack they are mildly sweet and the crunch gives your brain the illusion that you're eating something hefty.

No.6 Eggs:

They're are a lot of different ways to serve them up and it doesn't matter how you eat them, they will always provide you with protein.

Two other important nutrients eggs contain are biotin and vitamin B-12 which are found in every hair skin and nail supplement.

  No. 5 Low-fat Dairy:

We've all seen the commercials where eating yogurt is seemingly orgasmic, However as fun as eating yogurt can be lets not forget that it's also good for you.Yogurt, along with the not so glamorous skim milk is a great source of calcium, whey and casein. Calcium promotes hair growth and whey and casein are high quality protein sources.

No.4 Green and Leafy Vegetables:

Spinach, broccoli and Swiss chard may not be at the top of your list for a treat but they are excellent sources of vitamin A and C. They help your body produce an oily substance called sebum, which acts as a conditioner for your hair. Talk about a deep treatment!   

No.3 Poultry:

Lean chicken and turkey are the usual dinner suspects because they provide something that your hair needs; protein. Without it, your hair can become weak and brittle and even start to lose its color.

The chicken breast is the leanest part of the chicken and can easily be added to any recipe. Try some in a salad with some baby spinach.

No. 2 Salmon:

My personal favorite food because it is easy to prepare at home and can be found at just about any restaurant. Did I mention that salmon is jam packed with Omega 3 fatty acids,  vitamin B-12 and iron? You can't go wrong with this fish although some might say it wrong.

No. 1 Water:

I know you can't eat water but it is the single most important thing to have in your diet and even though it is all around, the sad truth is that most people don't get enough. It's still debatable how much is enough but if you drink a bottle once a week you are no where close. According to Mayo clinic, 13 cups a day is average for men and 9 for women. The hair shaft is made of one quarter water and so water is needed to keep us hydrated and to stimulate healthy hair growth. I find it difficult to drink water at times so I add an ounce of cranberry juice to a bottle just so I can drink it with a meal.

While we may eat some of the foods on this list more than others, it's important to eat a balanced meal. I know you've been hearing that since you were a kid but it isn't a lie.As a matter of the people with the most beautiful hair and skin don't spend most of their days at fast-food restaurants. I'll be back soon with some meal ideas. Later Darlings!

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